Saturday, 3 September 2011

Possums and Blossoms

G. hated to see her brother get to go skiing while she had to go to school today. But she had a great day at school.  She had show and tell and showed her sketch book to the class. 

Declan, a 6 year old Cassanova, said he loves her again.  He loves her, he loves someone else, he loves her again. It's all too much.  But I am wary of showing too much disapproval.  I do encourage her to stand up for herself and avoid the drama. I want her to have self confidence and know how funny, beautiful and amazing she is.

After school, G. and I went out and photographed the new baby lamb, the sheep, the goats, the cows and the chooks.  She got pretty close to the new lamb and took some great pictures.

Then G. helped bake a banana chocolate chip cake for C.'s birthday.  His make up cake since he was sick on his actual birthday.  G. is great at measuring the different ingredients. She also helped make a meatloaf and she said it was the "BEST meatloaf she ever ate."

She watched Barbie Swan Lake. Again. And then we danced with MoMo Poodles.

I let her watch TV in bed with me until the boys got home at 10 p.m. though there was really nothing appropriate on so we had to keep flipping the channels. 

We talked about possums and blossoms more today.  Yesterday, G. pointed out the window and squealed.  "What?", I said. 
"Possums," she said delightedly. 
"Possums??," I said. She was pointing towards a tree.  I strained to find the little creatures. All I saw was pink flowers and that is when I realized that she meant "blossoms. "

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