Wednesday 21 September 2011

Disco Party!!

Once each term, the school has a disco for the children. It is a chance for the kids to socialize outside school and it raises money for the Home and School (PTA). Tickets are $2 each and then they sell candy and flashing light toys inside. The music is loud, most kids don't dance and it usually costs us about $20 for a one hour outing but considering we rarely go "out," it is fun for the whole family.

Kids with their Disco Tickets!! 

They love to spend money! 

Have to get a flashing light necklace each time 

Boys need a flashing light necklace, too---but in blue

Kids love the disco!! 

Next comes candy---and Big Daddy wants his share of that candy 

G. loves to eat candy while she dances 

C. isn't into dancing---preferring to rough house with the other boys  

C. being a goof 

G. dancing with Big Daddy 

G. dancing with Big Daddy 

Big Daddy being a goof 

Oh, goody! A pic of Mum before the disco---and of course, MoMo Poodles 

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