Tuesday 13 September 2011

Baby Lamb

We have had a very busy weekend. A sheep died giving birth on 9 September 2011. She had already given birth to a little male lamb.  She died trying to give birth to his sibling, who also died, unfortunately.
We have adopted this little orphaned lamb and taken him into the house. The kids named him "Rugsby" after the Rugby World Cup which started on the day of his birth.  They wanted to call him Rugby but decided that name was "already taken" so went with Rugsby instead.
Rubsby first day
Kids are thrilled to finally have a little lamb

The first night, G. dressed Rugsby in a doll dress to keep him warm and gave him an old dog bed. The hideous flower background is an old foam mattress that I picked up for free recently.

Rugsby in his leopard print doll dress

The kids wanted the chance to sleep with Rugsby so they set up a slumber party on the kitchen floor with yoga mats and blankets. Of course, Rugsby peed all over the blankets. But the kids didn't care.  I have had to do heaps of laundry. And it is still worth it.

Lamb Slumber Party 
Who is that looking down wistfully at the little lamb? 

It's MoMo Poodles!!  "Hey, why wasn't I invited to the party?"
Baby Rugsby

Big Daddy helps feed Rugsby
Mary and her little lamb
G. won't even let his hooves touch the ground. 

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