Wednesday 21 September 2011

MoMo Poodles--the beginning

Several years after the death of my beloved poodle, Stella, we decided to get another dog.  We knew we wanted another standard poodle---as no other dog even comes close.  But finding a big poodle in NZ was a big of a challenge.  We finally found standard poodles but they were parti poodles--meaning they were multi colored.  I wanted a black one--and the blackest one they had was Moses--who just had a bit of white on his chest.  And he is not black but blue--meaning he will turn silver as he matures. 

We found Moses on TradeMe--where else?  He was born in Auckland on 2 October, the same as my great grandmother.--it had to be a sign.  Both of Moses parents were American dogs, imported by a Kiwi. His mother came from Alabama and his father from Arizona.  I say Moses is a triple-A grade dog (Alabama, Arizona, Auckland).  We are all Kiwi-Americans in this house. 
First pictures we saw of Moses 

First pictures of Moses 

Moses' father, Sherman 

Moses' father--very similar markings as MoMo

Moses' mother is an obedience/agility champion 

Moses with his brothers and sisters---can you find Moses in this pic? 

Moses' mother being a water retrieval dog 

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