Friday 16 September 2011

39 and a little wonky

39 and a little wonky---just like me!!! 

I can't believe I had another birthday. I used to enjoy them--now they seem to be a moment to reflect on my own mortality. Yuck!
Of course, C. said lots of funny things like "At least you aren't 40 yet. But you will be next year." Yeah, way to make me feel better. Not!  His dad has been working with him on "sensitivity"--particularly about talking to women. Never say "fat" or "old."  Dad is pretty smart and has been giving lots of good pointers.  I hope he learns--for the sake of his future marriage.

Yes, indeed, I am now 39! And, even though I feel pretty old, I realize this is as young as I am EVER going to be. Sigh

I made a great roast beef dinner, an ugly but delicious chocolate/coconut cake (with chocolate sour cream frosting) and we all pigged out and had a great time.

ugly but delicious and on fire!!! 

Blowing out the candles

Piggies eating up the cake 

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