Friday 16 September 2011

Our House

It is so weird that none of our close friends or family have ever seen our house. It's hard to explain on the phone so I thought I would do a feature so everyone can get a visual.  It is very different style here than Texas. 

We live in a new, modern, American-style home.  Our house is considered a "big" house and quite flash by Kiwi standards. By Texas standards, it is tiny and not so plush. But it is worth about $700,000 here. Crazy, huh? 

Coming up the driveway

Here is the front door--hidden behind the Funky Pumpkin van.  They collect our trash in wheelie bins just like the US

The chickens love to congregate here and poo. Yucky birds! 
View from the house back down the driveway
Front hallway inside the front door, there is a hallway to the right just out of frame
The hallway--I know the excitement is overwhelming. Four bedrooms along this hallway

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