Monday 2 January 2012

New Years Day

We had a lovely family day together walking through the many acres of park and paddocks on Council land.  The Groynes is an amazing park system and includes a huge dog park.  Moses had a great time running with other dogs, peeing on trees and splashing in the river.
The kids complained about having to walk but they ended up having a nice time in nature. We all got some sun and enjoyed a perfect day with ideal temperatures.  We all walked barefoot in the grass and stuck our feet into the river. We found dark caves hidden in bushes and tree patches. We saw some giant trees maybe 5 or 6 stores tall.  We found one clump of trees that would be perfect for an amazing giant tree house.
Gigi finally learned how to do a full cartwheel on her own. Chance didn't start as early as Gigi but he finally mastered the cartwheel as well. I noticed that my nearly 40 year old bones seem to clank together hard when I do cartwheels and round offs. My wrists felt like they hit the ground really hard. The joys of aging, I guess.
I am quite pleased that we began our new year together enjoying nature. It was a great start to the year.

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